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San Jose & Salinas Healthcare Professional Injury Attorney

Accomplished Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Serving Injured Healthcare Professionals

As healthcare professionals, you go to work every day with the mission of caring for and healing others. Because of you, countless other people get to go home in better health than when they came in. However, the nature of your work can put you at risk, as well. It is, unfortunately, not uncommon for those in the healthcare field to suffer workplace injuries. Accident Recovery Legal Center is aware of the important role you play and is here to help you when the shoe is on the other foot.

Injuries Common in the Healthcare Industry

There are many possible injuries and conditions healthcare employees may experience during their time at work. They include:

  • Stress fractures
  • Exhaustion or overexertion
  • Communicable illnesses
  • Equipment failures or needle pricks
  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Patient violence
  • Slip-and-falls

Understanding Workers’ Compensation

As a compromise for agreeing not to sue your employer if you sustain an injury at work, they agree to cover all of your resulting healthcare expenses and reimburse you for wages lost from time off. In order to receive your full benefits, you must report your injury or condition as soon as possible, but absolutely within 30 days of it occurring. Your employer then has one full day to file an appropriate claim with its insurance provider. Failure on their part is a violation of your state and federal rights as an employee.

Getting Quality Legal Help

If you are hurt at work as a result of your daily duties and your employer fails to help you facilitate the workers’ compensation claims process, you need the help of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. We can put legal pressure on your employer to follow the proper steps and ensure you receive the benefits to which you are entitled. If that proves unsuccessful, we can take measures all the way to court, if need be. What truly matters is that you get the medical care you need, are treated fairly at work, and get the financial protection you deserve.

Get Started

Accident Recovery Legal Center represents healthcare professionals who have been injured at work file and defend workers’ compensation claims. Contact our office today at 1-888-931-WORK (9675) to schedule a free consultation with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer who can help you.

Have a Healthcare Professionals case? Contact us today for a FREE case evaluation.